4th Nordic Marcé conference
«Perinatal Mental Health: from Research to Practice»
28-29 October 2021 Oslo, Norway
28 og 29 oktober 2021 arrangerer Nordisk Marcé sin fjerde nordiske konferanse. Konferansen finner sted på RBUP Øst og Sør i Nydalen i Oslo.
Blant høydepunktene kan det nevnes at Catherine Monk, Cindy-Lee Dennis, Ganesh Acharya og Eeva Ekholm vil presentere sin forskning. Alain Gregoire vil presentere erfaringer fra etableringen av «Maternal Mental Health Alliance» og inspirere oss til en nordisk allianse. Den danske forfatteren Olga Ravn vil presentere sin nye bok «Mit Arbejde». Konferansen vil som vanlig bli åpnet av vårt æresmedlem John Cox.
Welcome by Honorary member Professor John Cox
Maternal Mental Health is everybody's business
Dr Alain Gregoire has been a Consultant Specialist Perinatal Psychiatrist for 30 years during which time he has set up and led multiple national award specialist perinatal mental health services. He was a member of the NICE Guideline Development Group for Antenatal and Postnatal Mental Health, and has contributed extensively to the development of policy, strategy, guidance and clinical services in the area of parental and infant mental health in the UK and across the world. He was the founder and is President of the UK Maternal Mental Health Alliance (maternalmentalhealthalliance.org), a coalition of over 100 national organisations committed to improving maternal mental health care and outcomes for mothers and their infants. In 2016 he launched the Global Alliance for Maternal Mental Health (globalalliancematernalmentalhealth.org), which has similar aims worldwide, with over 25 international member organisations, and has informed the development of successful alliances in several other countries and world regions. Alain has worked extensively in radio, television and film, including the multiple award winning BBC documentary ‘My Baby Psychosis and Me’, and is a presenter for the award winning BBC TV programme ‘Trust Me I’m a Doctor’ (‘Stol på Legen’).
Impact of Maternal and Paternal Postpartum Depression (IMPACT Study)
Dr. Cindy-Lee Dennis has a simple maxim: “Healthy babies start with healthy parents.” This belief has led Dr. Dennis to focus her research career on rigorously evaluating interventions that can directly improve the health of mothers and fathers, with the overall goal of improving child health and well-being. She has over 25 years of experience leading large cohort studies and clinical trials — including intervention care models that leverage technology to improve clinical effectiveness and accessibility — recruiting participants from all across Canada. She also developed the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale, the most widely used breastfeeding measure internationally that has been translated into over 20 different languages to identify women early who are at-risk of poor breastfeeding outcomes. In total, Dr. Dennis has led eight Cochrane systematic reviews and published over 250 peer-reviewed research papers. She has received numerous awards and honors, including a Fellowship in the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences and the Marcé Medal from the International Marcé Society for Perinatal Mental Health.
Perinatal Mental Health during COVID-19 pandemic: A Nordic Perspective
Ganesh Acharya, MD, PhD. FRCOG is a Professor and Head of Division of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at the Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (CLINTEC), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. He also holds a clinical position as a Senior Consultant in Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine at the Karolinska University Hospital and is an Adjunct Professor at UiT-The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø. He obtained MD from Lviv State Medical Institute, Ukraine and a postgraduate Diploma in Obstetrics & Gynaecology from Kathmandu, Nepal. He worked in the UK from 1994 to 2001 and completed his specialist training in Obstetrics & Gynaecology. He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. He has an MSc in Medical Imaging (Ultrasound) from UK, PhD in Fetal from Norway, and a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Perinatal Cardiology from USA (2006-2007). Ganesh Acharya has trained and worked in several countries including Ukraine, Nepal, Germany, UK, USA. He has been working in Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden) since 2001. He has spent some time as an academic visitor/visiting professor at the University of Oxford, UK (2011), Fudan University, Shanghai, China (2015) and University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA (2015-2016). Ganesh Acharya has more than 200 scientific publications and a H-index of 43 (https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=fi&tzom=-120&user=YphsDp8AAAAJ). He was a Scientific Editor of BJOG from 2012-2015, and has been the Editor-in-Chief of Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica (AOGS) since January 2015. Areas of Interest: High-risk obstetrics, clinical and experimental maternal-fetal medicine, fetal cardiovascular physiology, placental biology and imaging, reproductive biology and global maternal health including maternal mental health.
Professor Catherine Monk, Columbia University Medical Center
Catherine Monk, PhD, is a Professor in the Departments of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Psychiatry at Columbia University Irving Medical Center and Research Scientist VI at the New York State Psychiatric Institute. Dr. Monk oversees the integrated women’s mental health program in Obstetrics & Gynecology. Dr. Monk’s research brings together the fields of psychopathology, developmental psychobiology, developmental neuroscience, and perinatal psychiatry to focus on the earliest influences on children’s developmental trajectories—those that happen in utero—and how to intervene early to prevent mental health problems. She collaborates with colleagues to include biological and psychological processes in her research, e.g., using MRI techniques to study variation in brain development related to prenatal maternal factors such as distress and poor nutrition, examining gene expression in placentas related to similar maternal variables. Her research has been continuously funded by NIH since her NIMH Career Development award in 2000.
Interactive ultrasound - what and why?
Eeva Ekholm, MD, head of Obstetrics at Turku University Hospital. Her present research focuses on the effect of psychological distress on pregnancy. She has studied hemodynamic changes in normal and pathologic pregnancy, especially pre-eclampsia and diabetes and the association of fetal hemodynamic changes on long term outcome in preterm pregnancies. Her clinical expertise lies in ultrasound. She has developed a new treatment model based on interactive ultrasound for vulnerable pregnant women. The focus of the intervention is to bring the fetus to the mothers mind with a mentalization based approach. She is interested in interdisclipinary research connecting maternal fetal medicine with psychology .
Årets hovedtema vil være:
«Perinatal mental helse, fra forskning til klinisk hverdag».
Foreløbig program:
10:00-10:30: Velkommen og registrering
10:30-12:15: Key note speaker session
12:15-13:15: Lunsj og posterpresentasjoner
13:15-14:00: Key note speaker session
14.15-16.15: Workshops
16:15-17:15: Årsmøte Nordisk Marcé
19:00- Konferanse middag (påmelding kommer senere)
09:00-09:45: Key note speaker session
10.00-12.00 Workshops
12:00-12:45: Lunsj og posterpresentasjoner
12:45-15:30: Workshops
15.30-16.00: Avslutning
Konferansen finner sted i Nydalen hos RBUP Øst og Sør.
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Koordinator Ingvild Follestad:ibf@r-bup.no
Les mer om:Innreiseregler Norge
Ikke-medlem: 2500 NOK
Medlem av Nordisk Marcé: 2000 NOK (rabattkode: MEDLEM NORDISK MARCE)
For mer info om Marcé Society: www.marcesociety.com.
og Nordisk Marcé, se https://www.facebook.com/groups/1441218496126295/
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